Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ribbon embellishment

I was growing bored with making labels so I wanted to do something else that was small and wouldn't take too long. Got out my ribbon stash and some of the plastic buttons I still have around the house from before my MustNotBuyPlastic revelation and made this!
Isn't it cute? And the photograph is not too bad either, is it? Ribbon, sewing thread and button used cost me just €0.43 for a ribbon embellishment that's about 7 cm diameter. I'm thinking about what to do about fastening it. I made it as strong and secure as I could because I would want to reuse it as often as possible. I thought about using a strong magnet so it can hold papers and receipts etc on a fridge or magnetic memo board. Haven't got magnets yet to try it out on, must buy some. I could also sew on some fine elastic to the back so it can be slipped around bottles or small gifts. As for other gifts, such as flat or large shapes... I could use a small piece of double-sided sticky tape but then that would have to be replaced every time it's been used. Plus it probably wouldn't be very secure. Any suggestions are welcome if you have them!

Monday 5 December 2011


Welcome to my new blog! I will be posting about the hobby projects I am working on. I also intend to post some tutorials to share with others. Plus there will be attempts at decent pictures though to be honest I'll just be happy to settle for any picture at all. My mother was kind enough to give me a castoff camera but I haven't yet figured out exactly how to get some decent results with it, I'm that clueless when it comes to photography! So mostly I'll be trying to get someone else to take the photo's for me, else you'll have to settle for my attempts. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you'll find something you like!
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